Summer Updates
The big issue to date has been delays and cancellations driven by flight crew availability. There are several reasons why we are unable to crew our schedule, but the important thing is what are we doing about it. We realize that "day of" cancellations and rebooking at the airports is painful for customers and employees, so this past Friday we have started pre cancelling flights. The plan is to continue this pre cancel process until we feel confident we have enough flight crew time available to fly the schedule. Cancelling a flight is never easy, but pre cancelling takes a lot of stress out of the process. Load factors are at record highs so doing the cancellation a few days out at least gives our customers better options vs. doing it day of departure at the airport.
Some good news on the performance front, our first quarter goals in On time and DOT luggage will generate a .75% pay out. On-time was at Threshold and DOT luggage was at target, congrats to all.
On the staffing side, we continue to hire part time ESEs each week and several classes are in the process. Although winter seems like a long way off, we will soon be working on the plan that starts the hiring and upgrade process. Our plan is to keep hiring throughout the summer and start developing the plan for full time upgrades. We have also continued to add CSAs to the mix as the summer loads and flight schedules continue to be strong for the rest of the summer.
June 30th is a big day for the ESEs as our employees take over all luggage movement for both Northwest and Airlink. A lot of work still needs to be done to be ready, but a congrats goes out to the IAM and your local shop committee for working with us on this important changes. Jobs and better service, sound like a Win - Win. Good luck,
Thats it for today, all the best.
Mark C. Gurney
Vice President - DTW WorldGateway