Habitat for Humanity
Thanks for popping in on my Blog. I will continue to use my Blog as an opportunity to share information and communicate with you. There are a lot of exciting things happening under our Employee Involvement Teams (EITs) and many of you have gotten involved with the process. This website is one small example of the hard work of our Communications EIT.
Another EIT group that has been doing great work is our Community Involvement EIT. There is nothing more rewarding than seeing employees getting together and giving back to our community and making DTW a better place to live and work. The more Northwest and its employees get involved with community opportunities the more our customers will truly see us as DTW's airline and hopefully choose to fly us all of the time.
The excitement is not only local. After our great handling of the Superbowl and other recent local events, our senior leadership team has devoted special funding to allow you and I to support local DTW community needs and events. One community involvement opportunity that Northwest has approved is our sponsorship for a Detroit Habitat for Humanity House Build. That’s right, this spring you and I are going to travel to East Detroit and build a home for a deserving family. Northwest has donated the construction cost and you and I will provide the labor. More to come on this in the next several weeks.
Well, that’s my blog post for Friday 2/2/07. Its going to be a cold one this weekend so stay warm and thanks for all of your hard work.
Well, that’s my blog post for Friday 2/2/07. Its going to be a cold one this weekend so stay warm and thanks for all of your hard work.
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